PhD ThesisCryptographic Security of SSH Encryption Schemes [link] supervised by Kenny Paterson. Master's ThesisA Canonical and Systematic Approach to Cryptographic Subversion [link] supervised by Claudio Orlandi and Johan P. Bachelor thesisMy bachelor thesis focused on the elliptic curve method (ECM) using Edwards curves instead of the more traditional Montgomery curves. In connection I made an implementation of ECM using Edwards curves. Downloads: source code(zip), statistics(zip), thesis(zip). Master classes completedAdvanced algebra, Number theory, Algebra & polyhedral geometry, Lie algebras, Mathematical aspects of cryptology, Cryptology (Amsterdam), Algebraic number theory (Amsterdam), Parallel algorithms (Utrecht), Coxeter groups & Hecke algebraes, Knot theory, Cryptographic protocol theory, Random structures & the Probabilistic Method (Barcelona), Computer science project: Secure communication protocols - theory and attacks (supervised by Claudio Orlandi), Algebraic Topology and Combinatorics. Abroad