PhD Thesis

Cryptographic Security of SSH Encryption Schemes [link] supervised by Kenny Paterson.

Master's Thesis

A Canonical and Systematic Approach to Cryptographic Subversion [link] supervised by Claudio Orlandi and Johan P.

Bachelor thesis

My bachelor thesis focused on the elliptic curve method (ECM) using Edwards curves instead of the more traditional Montgomery curves. In connection I made an implementation of ECM using Edwards curves. Downloads: source code(zip), statistics(zip), thesis(zip).

Master classes completed

Advanced algebra, Number theory, Algebra & polyhedral geometry, Lie algebras, Mathematical aspects of cryptology, Cryptology (Amsterdam), Algebraic number theory (Amsterdam), Parallel algorithms (Utrecht), Coxeter groups & Hecke algebraes, Knot theory, Cryptographic protocol theory, Random structures & the Probabilistic Method (Barcelona), Computer science project: Secure communication protocols - theory and attacks (supervised by Claudio Orlandi), Algebraic Topology and Combinatorics.
